
The tracking of fines and costs is important to facilities. Audit reports are available which can assist in "balancing" and verifying information. Many agencies include a computer and printer in the courtroom. Information can be entered during court for immediate updates if the courtroom is connected to the network. Payment and receipts can be generated promptly.

iSOMS can track unlimited dockets per individual, including tracking time payments and receipt audits.

Information includes:
Cost Center (traffic, DUI)
Restitution (individual or multiple victims)

Officers have the ability to print statements, receipts, open receipt reports, and bond reports, update the court docket while in court, and generate dockets and time payments for those that get final disposition.

Time payments per docket per individual with court fines, court costs, and unlimited victims per docket for restitution. Monthly late reports, transaction audits, and restitution statements to victims are available. Payments can be dispersed automatically for a single court or manually for multi-court departments. Manual disbursement can be coded to any cost center.

Automatic payment disbursement can be grouped in three ways:


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